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Who we are and how we express ourselves comes from a place of our ancestral roots.  How far we choose to look back can have an extreme impact on our appearance, mindset and emotional disposition today.

At times of self-doubt or insecurity, we may call to mind past experiences that we believe explain what we feel as are flaws or inadequacies.  We may assign blame to what we perceive as a physical limitation like our weight, our financial constraints, or an emotional block we may have due to an adverse circumstance. 

If we allow ourselves to expand our look-back further to ancient times of pharaohs, rulers, seers, healers, and priestesses, we can connect into the most honorable and prestigious parts of our birthright.  At a DNA level, we are all of these things.  We each possess a unique tie to that which is divine.  We all possess infinite beauty and knowledge.  Our capacity to love and be love that transcends time.   

Consider what you wish could be when you envision the ultimate you knowing that you already are that and more. 

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